Julie Guyot Studio

open studio

Out With The Old

Emily Wray8 Comments

bud vases with bees (available December 11th at Open Studio & Sale)

It’s that time of year again.  The holidays are upon us already.  I spent most of Thanksgiving weekend finishing up the last batch of work for my annual Open Studio & Sale.  Everything has been bisque fired and I’m ready to glaze (then fire again) and decal (then fire again).  Then the house has to be cleaned, the yard work done, poinsettias purchased, cookies baked, cider mulled, and sigh, we’re ready!

I can’t help but panic thinking that I don’t have enough work ready.  I’m not sure where the year has gone and today I had to look back at the goals I set for myself for 2011 to see what has been accomplished. 

1.  Design new work.  Well, this definitely took longer than I had anticipated and I’m still working out some bugs. Just today, I took two pieces out of the kiln that had major cracks so it’s back to the drawing board once again.  All in all, I’m really happy with the direction my work has taken although each time I come up with an idea, it seems to add on time and labor and difficulty instead of making my life easier.  I guess the goal wasn't to “design easier work”.

2.  Apply and get into three large craft fairs.  Done.  In 2011 I traveled to Chicago, Austin and Atlanta and met lots of great people, got some good feedback and sold lots of pots.  I also ate a ton of good food but that’s just a bonus.

3.  Get my online shop up and running.  This was accomplished but next year the shop needs much more of my attention and shop maintenance needs to be added to this goal. 

Add these business goals to my personal goals and I’d say it’s been a busy year.  So I’m not going to feel guilty about not having enough product at this year’s Open Studio & Sale.  I am going to bask in the glory of sharing my home and studio with my best customers.  I am going to be excited to tell my local community what I have in store for next year: starting a ceramics lending program that builds community, expanding one line of work into a separate business, and potentially hiring a part-time employee in addition to my intern. Look out 2012!

Sneak Preview

Emily WrayComment

These lovely Virginia Beach ladies are making their way to Florida for the holidays.  I will be hosting my second annual Holiday Open Studio on December 12th.  Mark your calendars and prepare yourself for cookies, hot cider and roasting marshmallows even if it's in the 80's again this year.   Secretly I'm hoping it's cold!  


square seving dish with Virginia Beach Ladies